1. Elapsed time 经过的时间(= Sample time = Load time = Response time ) 这个时间是我们测试常用的时间,也是整个请求的消耗时间,从发送到接收完成全程消耗的时间 2. Latency time 延迟时间 不常用,表示请求发送到刚开始接收响应时,这个时间<Elapsed time 3. Connection time 建立连接时间 (2.13新增参数) 不常...
响应时间(Response Time)与吞吐量(Throughput)成正比。如果吞吐量(Throughput)随响应时间(Response Time)的增加而减少,则表示应用程序/系统不稳定 线程的数量与吞吐(Throughput)量成正比 如果延时(Latency)较低,但是带宽(Bandwidth)较小,那么从A点到B点的数据传输时间要比延时(Latency)低且带宽(Bandwidth)高的时间长 ...
2.5 Latency Vs Request 完成一个完整的请求所需平均时间与每秒请求数的关系图 3. Response Times(响应时间) Response Time Percentiles Response Time Overview Time Vs Threads Response Time Distribution 3.1 Response Time Percentiles 响应时间百分比分布图 响应时间在某个百分比范围内的请求在所有请求数中所占的比率...
响应时间(Response Time)与吞吐量(Throughput)成正比。如果吞吐量(Throughput)随响应时间(Response Time)的增加而减少,则表示应用程序/系统不稳定 线程的数量与吞吐(Throughput)量成正比 如果延时(Latency)较低,但是带宽(Bandwidth)较小,那么从A点到B点的数据传输时间要比延时(Latency)低且带宽(Bandwidth)高的时间长 ...
Time to First Byte (TTFB) Time to first byte (TTFB) measures the time it takes for the first byte of data from the server to reach the user's browser after a request is made. It includes the time taken for DNS resolution, network latency, and server processing. TTFB is a key indicat...
Connection time—Referring to the time it takes to connect to the server, these results are generally used to identify network latency. High connection times are often caused by network or routing issues. Redirect time—This refers to the time it takes for any necessary HTTP redirects and any ...
You may observe increased SAP HANA response time when a large number of concurrent users (~44,000) are running simultaneous transactions on the system.See table below for latency and throughput numbers for vmxnet3 driver when compared against bare metal Linux installation:Network Latency: VMXNET3 ...
DNS Timeouts High Round-Trip Time (RTT; latency) Packet Loss The cause of high latency is often because of a sub-optimal route from the customer to our servers. In order to remedy this, we ask for a route trace so that we can compare your route to us against our route to you. We...
To filter packets in Wireshark to analyze response times, use the Response Time Viewer for Wireshark. Or, you can use the "tcp.analysis" filter to display only packets related to TCP communication, and then sort the packets by timestamp to view the timing of each packet....
latency measures are assumed to tap into associations in the mind between various words or concepts, with more closely related concepts requiring less time to connect than more distally related concepts (Greenwald et al., 2002;Uhlmann et al., 2012). Assessment of reaction time is assumed to ...