Modbus_tk 报错 Response length is invalid 0 MODBUS异常码 代码 名称 含义 01 非法功能 对于服务器(或从站)来说,询问中接收到的功能码是不可允许的操作。这也许是因为功能码仅仅适用于新设备而在被选单元中是不可实现的。同时,还指出服务器(或从站)在错误状态中处理这种请求,例如:因为它是未配置的,并且要求...
A case insensitive, dict-like object that provides access to all HTTP-prefixed headers (plus Content-Length and Content-Type) from the request. The name of each header is stylized with title-casing (e.g. User-Agent) when it’s displayed. You can access headers case-insensitively: >>> ...
Your request included an invalid SAML response. To logout, click here. Applies To AWS Account Federation app SAML Cause This is not an exhaustive list. Here are some common causes: Periods are used in the role name. The group filter is incorrect. (CONNECT OKTA TO MULTIPLE AWS INSTANCES V...
InvalidOperationException 上一次调用BeginGetResponse(AsyncCallback, Object)时,该流已使用。 -或- TransferEncoding设置为值,SendChunkedfalse。 ProtocolViolationException Method为 GET 或 HEAD,并且ContentLength大于或等于零或SendChunkedtrue。 -或- KeepAlivetrue,AllowWriteStreamBuffering为false,ContentLength为 -1...
public int MaximumResponseHeadersLength { get; set; } 属性值 Int32 响应标头的长度(以 KB 为单位)(1024 字节)。 例外 InvalidOperationException 在提交请求后设置该属性。 ArgumentOutOfRangeException 该值小于 0。 示例 下面的代码示例设置此属性的值。 C# 复制 using System; using System.Net; using...
3tooFarThe distance between two route waypoints, or the total length of the route exceeds the limit of the route mode. Modify the waypoint locations so that they are closer together. 4noSolutionA route cannot be calculated for the specified waypoints. For example, this code is returned when ...
response for preflight is invalid (redirect) 基础概念 Preflight Request 是浏览器在执行复杂跨域请求之前发送的一个 OPTIONS 请求,用于检查实际请求是否安全。服务器通过这个预检请求来判断是否允许该跨域请求。 问题原因 当服务器对预检请求(OPTIONS 请求)返回了一个重定向响应(如 301、302 等),浏览器会...
matches the client's If-None-Match header value. Because these all match, Internet Explorer correctly assumes that the response status should be a 304-Not Modified. However as we see in this response, IIS is setting a 200-OK status. IE resets the connection because the...
headers.setContentLength((int) contentLength); headers.setContentDispositionFormData("baidu.exe", URLEncoder.encode("百度安装包.exe", "UTF-8")); return new ResponseEntity<>(response.getBody(), headers, HttpStatus.OK); } } 1. 2.