// string html = File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath("~/" + fullPathnew)); // HttpContext.Current.Response.Clear();. System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Clear(); System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.Buffer = true; System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "atta...
'Server does not support secure connections' error with SMTP mail and SSL 'string.Split(params char[])' has some invalid arguments 'string' does not contain a definition for 'empty' 'System.Threading.ThreadAbortException' occurred in mscorlib.dll...what is the error?how to solve??? 'System...
It’s possible that a request can come in via POST with an empty POST dictionary – if, say, a form is requested via the POST HTTP method but does not include form data. Therefore, you shouldn’t use if request.POST to check for use of the POST method; instead, use if request.meth...
C# Int does not exist in current context when doing a basic math equasion C# interop - passing array of struct to a DLL. C# Interop.Excel || The remote procedure call failed. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800706BE) C# Linq Group By on multiple columns C# LINQ List<KeyValuePair<string, ...
TemplateResponse provides a way to do just that. Unlike basicHttpResponseobjects, TemplateResponse objects retain the details of the template and context that was provided by the view to compute the response. The final output of the response is not computed until it is needed, later in the res...
I want to enable the rest client logging to log req / res and I have added the following configuration to achieve that, rest-client:logging:scope:request-responsebody-limit:10000 But I get an error when the response body contains GUID in it, ...
Also I am not to sure if there is anything I need to do on our windows server iis side the only thing i tried there was to add and allow the url under sites in iis request filtering which also did not make any difference. Please see current code of application. ...
Does that sound like something you’d be interested in?” Customer: “Yes that would be great. Thank you.” Representative: “Alright, let's get that gift card mailed to you.” What I like: Restating the issue goes a long way in this response template. In doing this, the rep ...
Therefore, our study does not provide any evidence that 16–17-year-old adolescents have an increased vulnerability to cannabis-related VEM, SWM, or response inhibition impairments in comparison to 26–29-year-old adults. Nor does it provide evidence that a younger age-of-onset is associated ...
Error - The Name JsonRequestBehavior does not exist in the current context. Error - The type name 'SqlCommand' could not be found in the namespace 'System.Data.SqlClient' Error 'temporary value while attempting to change the entity's state to 'Deleted'. Error 500 RedirectToAction error cann...