New issue Exception: Response code not 200. Response Status is 429 #117 Closed Birillox opened this issue Jul 17, 2023· 14 comments CommentsBirillox commented Jul 17, 2023 I got this error when i try to request something to Bard. I tried with new token but nothing.....
if response.status_code == 200: print("请求成功") return response.json() elif response.status_code == 429: print("请求过多,请稍后再试") retry_after = int(response.headers.get('Retry-After', 1)) sleep(retry_after) else: print(f"请求失败,状态码:{response.status_code}") return None...
how did you fix the "Exception: Response status code is not 200. Response Status is 404"? I am having the same issue Author EEG20 commented Nov 15, 2023 how did you fix the "Exception: Response status code is not 200. Response Status is 404"? I am having the same issue The HTT...
***requests.get(url)函数得到的是一个Response对象*** <Response [200]> ***type()函数查看requests.get()函数返回结果的类型*** <class 'requests.models.Response'> ***打印Response对象的status_code属性,即状态码*** 200 requests.get(url).status_code就成功获取到一个3位数的响应状态码。 4.2.2 访...
403错误是Http协议中的一个错误状态码,主要意思是客户端请求的URL是被禁止访问的。详细一点说,主要代表了两层意思: 1、客户端发出的请求是正确的我们在web浏览器访问某一个网站时,我们的浏览器会根据输入的URL去web服务器请求资源。服务器在接收到请求后,如果发现被请求的资源是被限制或者禁止的,...
status codes in the 200 group act as go signals for specific actions to continue, because needed requests have been made possible. 202: Accepted means that the client received the request. TheHTTP response code202 does not necessarily mean that the request is made, but what is important is ...
是HTTP状态码,表示网络请求成功的意思,返回这个状态表示已经获取到数据了 HTTP状态码(HTTP Status Code)是用以表示网页服务器HTTP响应状态的3位数字代码。它由 RFC 2616 规范定义的,并得到RFC 2518、RFC 2817、RFC 2295、RFC 2774、RFC 4918等规范扩展。表示页面请求的状态值,分别有:200表示请求...
status:"429" 属性值 "429" 继承属性详细信息 headers HTTP 响应标头。 TypeScript headers: RawHttpHeaders 属性值 RawHttpHeaders 继承自__type.headers request 生成此响应的请求。 TypeScript request: PipelineRequest 属性值 PipelineRequest 继承自__type.request ...
at SignalRExperimentClient.Program.Main(String[] args) in D:\SignalRExperiment\SignalRExperimentClient\Program.cs:line 21 Inner Exception 1: HttpRequestException: Response status code does not indicate success: 429 (Too Many Requests). Activity ...