I tried logging on to the game today and got this error that says “OPERATION FAILED: HTTP RESPONSE CODE: 202, CURL ERROR:” I’ve restarted my internet, console, and even reinstalled the game but to no avail
response的code显示为202的意思是服务器接受了你的请求,但是现在来不及处理,需要你等会试试。稍微等会儿,再运行程序就可以了 请问
202 FTP Response code A 202 response is meant to indicate that the command is recognized but not implemented by the server because it has no use or meaning to the server. It is considered a successful reply because the client can continue its FTP transaction as if the command was ...
This status code indicates that the resource is not permanently located at another URL. This will be specified by the Location: HTTP Response header. This is also like the 301 moved permanently response code, the exception that the user agent must not change the HTTP method used. If a POST ...
http response code(HTTP状态码对照表) HTTP状态码对照表 HTTP response codes 当浏览者访问一个网页时,浏览者的浏览器会向网页所在服务器发出请求。当浏览器接收并显示网页前,此网页所在的服务器会返回一个包含HTTP状态码的信息头(server header)用以响应浏览器的请求。
HTML entity-body, and a human being is supposed to figure out what to do about the error. The human never sees the response code in the first place, and the browser treats most response codes the same way, so why should the server bother picking the “right” code for a given ...
StatusCodesRangeBasedTriggerOutput StatusOutput StorageMigrationOptions StorageMigrationOptionsOutput StorageMigrationOptionsProperties StorageMigrationOptionsPropertiesOutput StorageMigrationResponse StorageMigrationResponseOutput StorageMigrationResponseProperties StorageMigrationResponsePropertiesOutput StringDictionary StringDictiona...
response错误码定义 response code啥意思 响应,由服务器返回给客户端。一个响应可以分为三部分:响应状态码(Response Status Code)、响应头(Response Headers)、响应体(Response Body)。 一、响应状态码 响应状态码表示服务器的响应状态, 如200表示服务器正常响应,404代表客户端请求的资源在服务器中不存在、500代表...
VirtualMachinesStart202Response VirtualMachinesStartDefaultResponse VirtualMachinesStartParameters VirtualMachinesStartQueryParam VirtualMachinesStartQueryParamProperties VirtualMachineStatusCodeCountOutput VirtualMachinesUpdate200Response VirtualMachinesUpdateBodyParam VirtualMachinesUpdateDefaultResponse VirtualMachinesUpdateMedia...
当浏览者访问一个网页时,浏览者的浏览器会向网页所在服务器发出请求。当浏览器接收并显示网页前,此网页所在的服务器会返回一个包含HTTP状态码的信息头(server header)用以响应浏览器的请求。 HTTP状态码的英文为HTTP Status Code。 下面是常见的HTTP状态码: ...