需要注意的点: 要使用API key来请求,尽量避免使用用户名密码组合。 401 VS 403 这两个状态的区别是: 401真正表示的是 Unauthentiated: 需要先提供有效凭证验证身份(然而通常返回这个状态码时,响应的响应信息都是Unauthorized) 403 表示的是 Unauthorized:你已经提供的有效凭证,但你的身份不不能访问这个资源。 服务...
We have a customer who is getting a 401 unauthorized only for the report pages API using a service principal. They are successfully able to run these APIs without any issue: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/power-bi/groups/get-groups https://learn.microsoft....
函数返回一个ApiSelectorBuilder实例,用来控制哪些接口暴露给Swagger来展现 *本例采用指定扫描的包路径来定义指定要建立API的目录 */ @Bean public Docket createRestApi() { return new Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2) .apilnfo(apilnfo()) .select() .apis(RequestHandlerSelectors.basePackage("com.example....
简介:在使用ASP.NET5调用IBM Bluemix上的REST API服务时出现此异常;Response status code does not indicate success: 401 (Unauthorized). 在使用ASP.NET5调用IBM Bluemix上的REST API服务时出现此异常; Response status code does not indicate success: 401 (Unauthorized). at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Task...
403 FORBIDDENIndicates that the client attempted to access a resource which they do not have access to. This might be encountered if the user accessing the remote resource does not have sufficient privileges; for example, by having the WBERestApiUsers or WBERestApiPrivilegedUsers role. Users wh...
when i call the JIRA REST API to create an issue rest/api/2/issue i get the responst in JSON format. when attaching a File to that issue rest/api/2/issue/xxx/attachments i get the response in JSON format, but with surrounding "[]"-braces. why that? best regards Lars Info: "...
如果使用 REST API 时发生错误,请参阅响应错误代码以获取详细描述。 注:斜体文本,例如{0},{1},{2}指示它们是变量,这些变量将替换为消息中显示的内容。 表1. 响应错误代码 错误标识描述 403此帐户已锁定{0}分钟。 10001源系统已存在。 10002源系统不存在。
Today, I’d like to talk about the (sometimes subtle) difference between 4xx and 5xx response codes when programming a RESTful API. I’ll try to show when to return what code (400 or 500) and introduce a simple way to implement this logic on the server s
URL url = new URL("https://myusername:APIToken@CompanyJIRAURL/rest/api/2/issue/"); System.out.println(url.getUserInfo());HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();conn.setDoOutput(true);conn.setDoInput(true); String encodedData = getJSON_Body();System.out.println...
When a rest template is customized with a ResponseErrorHandler that does not return true onhasErroror does not throw an exception inhandleErrorfor an http 401 response then something like the following is thrown: org.springframework.web.client.ResourceAccessException:I/OerroronPOSTrequestfor"http:...