If you are doing a study on the amount of money students have in debt out of college versus how much money they have when they reach retirement age, you will be using what type of scale? a. Nominal b. Ordinal c. Interval d. Ratio ...
Who are the respondents of the study? Respondents are those persons who have been invited to participate in a particular study and have actually taken part in the study. This definition applies to both qualitative and quantitative studies. How will you collect information and who will be your re...
aQuantitative research tells you the “what" -- giving you objective information about the habits of a population based on a large sample. The surveys are structured and identical for all respondents so researchers can easily tabulate the results. For example, if you need a baseline count for ...
This paper outlines some of these methods and reports findings from a qualitative research study in the UK with a widely used questionnaire- the Short-Form 36 Health Status Questionnaire. The value of including in-depth, qualitative validation techniques in the development and testing of surveys ...
It involves reading the results, searching for keywords, and organizing responses in a way that allows you to make quantitative claims. SurveyMonkey Analyze features—such as filtering, cross-tabulating and benchmarking—help distill the results of your closed-ended questions. But if you need to ...