We found that dogs displayed distinctive facial actions depending on the category of stimuli. However, dogs produced different facial movements to humans in comparable states of emotional arousal. These results refute the commonality of emotional expression across mammals, since dogs do not display ...
Each stimulus was presented for 20 ms (50 Hz), and all stimuli were presented randomly and consecutively. The dark, small ring inside the left-most panel represents the RF of a visual neuron in V1. (b) Examples of PSTHs. The PSTHs were calculated with a 1 ms bin and smoothed...
We patterned our experimental stimuli to echo literary and discourse examples. Consider this brief story: Carol found no messages on her answering machine. She grabbed an apple from her refrigerator and paced around the kitchen. “You’re making me nervous,” said her friend Paula. “It’s ...
In this case, the system relaxes towards a stationary state in absence of periodic stimuli. It nevertheless possesses the ability to show up a resonant behavior which can be waked by periodic stimulations. This phenomenon might be important in some situations. For example the protein P53 is ...
Monarch Mind Control is a form of mind control which creates a mind control slave by utilizing the human brain’s trauma response of dissociation to create a form of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) wherein various triggers can cause the slave personality to surface and respond to commands ...
In most "playback" research, pre-programmed stimuli exhibit behavior that is independent of subjects' responses, despite the fact that actual animal contests are highly interactive. In the present study, we utilized a robotic Gal谩pagos lava lizard (Microlophus bivittatus) to investigate the ...
Light stimuli were presented with a red light-emitting diode (LED; 625 nm) coupled to an optic fiber positioned in front of the fish. The odor stimulation was a solution containing 1mg/ml dried food dissolved in water, filtered, and delivered in front of the fish via a high-performance ...
The easy problem focuses on mechanics of consciousness: How can humans isolate external stimuli and react to them? How does the brain process information to control behavior? How can we articulate information about our internal state? Neurobiologists have long tackled aspects of these questions, whi...
Our results indicate that the eye movement-based memory (EMM) effect is a cause of habituation to security messages – a phenomenon in which people unconsciously scrutinize stimuli that they have previously seen less than other stimuli. We show that after only a few exposures to a warning, ...
Given that serotonin modulates neuronal activities in response to food stimuli41, our result sheds light on a novel role for serotonin in linking nutrient conditions to steroid hormone biosynthesis, underlying the progression of development in concert with nutrient availability. Although it has been ...