Sara Evansand her first husband, Craig Schelske, brought some very sensational accusations against one another during divorce proceedings in 2006 and 2007. She said (perToday) he cheated, verbally and emotionally abused her, watched pornography at home and solicited for sex on Craigslist. He said...
We’re so fortunate in the Bay Area to have an incredible array of creative reuse centers, nonprofits, and active Freecycle and Craigslist communities, that I am able to work with my clients to divert most of their belongings back into circulation. Zero Clutter from the Ze...
I email a daily summary to the group. I’ve found when you have peers to report to, you’ll stay focused on your assignments—wherever you’re working.
In Sony’s new comedy No Hard Feelings, Jennifer Lawrence‘s 32-year-old character is hired by a couple of helicopter parents to “date” their 19-year-old son, played by Andrew Barth Feldman. Yes, in both the ad the parents post on Craigslist and in the awkward in-p...