The paper outlines factors that families have identified as being positively associated with quality in respite care for children with autism and their families. These are the physical environment, staff attributes and their understanding of ASD, consistency with other settings, the use of ASD-...
This is why discussing this topic is difficult for me sometimes. But, it’s a question I get often–how do I get respite? Where can I find respite care? Is there only respite care for autism? Who pays for children’s respite care? So, let’s dig in. MY LATEST VIDEOS Children’s ...
Northamptonshire Social Care and Health, Services for Children with AutismInternational Journal of Integrated CarePreece, D. (2003). Providing an `autism-friendly' service for children with an autistic spec- trum disorder within a short-term (respite) care setting, Journal of Integrated Care, 11,...
Specializing in supporting people living with neurodiversity, Autism, development disAbilities, and Down Syndrome, from toddlers to seniors. Get to know Tracey Tracey Can Help Individuals and Groups of all ages... Toddlers / Families Children / Kids Adolescents / Teens Adults and Seniors ... with...
While most parents measure their children's development, success and achievements against standardized "norms" or others' expectations and definitions of "success", we--with other parents of kids with special needs--know that we must focus on and celebrate even the smallest tries. So, like you...
Effective respite care for families with children with autism spectrum disordersDescriptive presentation regarding short breaks services for children with autism.David Preece
Respite Care for Single Mothers of Children with Autism Spectrum DisordersTina TaylorRuthann ChristensenJames HarperSusanne Roper