必应词典为您提供Respiratory-Physiology的释义,un. 呼吸生理学; 网络释义: 呼吸生理学精要;呼吸道生理学;呼吸心理;
This exciting volume offers a unique approach to respiratory physiology, examining the subject based upon fundamental biological, chemical, and physical principles. At each step, the book asks Does it make sense? This allows readers to understand not only how gas exchange works, but why, scientific...
radiation and human physiology facility “Anomalous Long-term Effect on Astronauts” (ALTEA), the human physiology facility ELITE-S2 and the biology instrument [...] oosa.unvienna.org 意大利由意大利航天局开发且目前在国际空间站运行的设施和仪器是,辐 射和人类生理学设施“对 宇航员的长期异常影响...
《Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology》发表有关最广泛意义上的呼吸生理学和病理生理学的原创文章和特邀评论。虽然特别关注神经生物学的主题,但呼吸分子和细胞生物学方面的高质量论文也受到欢迎,传统领域的高质量论文也是如此,例如:呼吸力学;气体交换和酸碱平衡;休息和运动时的呼吸;在异常条件下呼吸,如高压或低压或温度...
Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology ISSN:1569-9048 E-ISSN:1878-1519 是否OA:未开放 出版地区:NETHERLANDS 创刊时间:2002 是否预警:否 出版周期:Monthly 语言:English 研究方向:医学 - 呼吸系统 《呼吸生理学和神经生物学》(Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology)是一本以医学-呼吸系统综合研究为特色的国际期刊。
Respiratory PhysiologyState-dependent changes in breathing are caused by nonrespiratory (tonic) inputs to the brainstem systems that control ventilation. In wakefulness, tonic excitatory inputs include those from the reticular formation, brainstem aminergic systems, andJohn V. Weil...
系统标签: respiratory physiology alveoli 英文版 生理学 pulmonary RespiratoryPhysiology Respirationistheprocessbywhichthebody takesin&utilizesoxygen(O 2 ),getsridof carbondioxide(CO 2 ) Abreathin,abreathout,12~15timesevery minutemayseemlikeasimpleprocess,which supplyoxygenforthewholebodyattherest O 2 re...
您现在的位置:生物医药大词典 >> 通用词典 >> 词汇解释: respiratory physiology respiratory physiology分享到: 呼吸生理分类: 农业 | 查看相关文献(pubmed) | 免费全文文献 详细解释:以下为句子列表: 英文: Study On Respiratory Physiology in the Application of Speech Acoustic 中文: 呼吸生理在言语声学中的...
This first chapter in the section on respiratory physiology is devoted to the primary function of the lung: gas exchange. In addition, the principles of ventilation and blood flow that underlie gas exchange are reviewed. Although the lung has other functions, such as metabolizing some compounds, ...