Posttraumatic Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag; 1991:257.Kreuzfelder E, Obertache U, Newmann B, Thraenhart O (1991) Adult respiratory distress syndrome as a manifestation of a general permeability defect. In: Sturm JA (ed) Adult respiratory distress syndrome, ...
Figure 1. The Normal Alveolus. The alveolar epithelium is a continuous monolayer of ATI (very thin cells that permit gas exchange) and ATII (that produce surfactant to enable lung expansion) cells; both cells transport ions and fl...
The meaning of RESPIRATORY DISTRESS SYNDROME is a respiratory disorder chiefly of newborn premature infants that is characterized by deficiency of the surfactant coating the inner surface of the lungs resulting in labored breathing, lung collapse, and hy
Related to respiratory distress syndrome:acute respiratory distress syndrome n.Abbr.RDS A respiratory disease of newborn infants, especially premature infants, characterized by reduced amounts of lung surfactant, cyanosis, the formation of a glassy membrane over the alveoli of the lungs, and pulmonary...
It occurs most often in people who are being treated fro another serious illness or injury. pulmonary 肺部的 edema 水肿的 sepsis 败血症 blood tranfusion 输血 costophrenic 胸膈的 这节课还是比较简单的。 背单词还是要背完了之后及时复习,不然容易忘,都白背了。
概述 急性呼吸窘迫综合征 (acute respiratory distress syndrome , ARDS) 是因肺实质发生急性弥漫性损伤而导致的急性缺氧性呼吸衰竭,临床表现以进行性呼吸困难和顽固性低氧血症为特征。这种临床症候群曾命名为“成人呼吸窘迫综合征” (adult respiratory distr
Respiratory!distress!syndrome!(RDS)!at!birth!in!late!preterm!infants!is!a!risk! factor!for!hospitalization!for!lower!respiratory!tract!infection (LRTI)!in!... Respiratory!distress!syndrome!(RDS)!at!birth!in!late!preterm!infants!is!a!risk! factor!for!hospitalization!for!lower!respiratory!tract!inf...
Respiratory distress syndromeis often manifested in infants born prematurely and is characterized by labored breathing. In infants who die of this condition, the lungs are underinflated, and the alveoli are partially filled with a proteinaceous fluid that forms a membrane over the respirator...
acute respiratory distress syndrome 英[əˈkju:t ˈrespərəˌtɔ:ri: disˈtres ˈsindrəum] 美[əˈkjut ˈrɛspərəˌtɔri dɪˈstrɛs ˈsɪnˌdrom] 释义 [医]急性呼吸窘迫综合征 实用场景例句 全部 MECHANICAL VENTILATION IN THE TREATMENT OF EARLY...
急性呼吸窘迫综合征(Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome,ARDS) ARDS,不是一个独立的呼吸系统疾病。 它是一种继发于机体严重损伤时出现的以急性、进行性、缺氧性呼吸窘迫(困难)及顽固性低氧血症为临床特征的综合征,是急性呼吸衰竭的一种类...