Recognizing & Respecting Cultural Differences in Health Care Next Lesson Incorporating Cultural Practice in Care Plan Assessing Family Dynamics & Impact in Care Plan Incorporating Family Dynamics in Care Plan Identifying Religious & Spiritual Needs of Patient Incorporating Religious & Spiritual Needs...
When it comes topersonalized care for our Jewish patients, VITAS teams provide culturally sensitive, compassionate hospice care that respects the teachings, beliefs, rituals, and traditions. Our specialized care offers hope, honors the core principles of Judaism, and is guided...
Parents who are religious will also be concerned about whether their baby had a 'soul' and what has happened to it. This article looks at the beliefs of the world's great religions regarding the existence of the soul and the possibility of an afterlife for these babies. Knowledge of the ...
Focusing mainly on respect for autonomy, particularly autonomous choices and actions in bioethical decisions, I examine several complexities of enacting this respect through the case of a fourteen-year-old boy who died after being allowed to refuse a necessary blood transfusion on religious grounds. ...
Presents a digest of the essay `Autonomy, Religious Values, and Refusal of Lifesaving Medical Treatment,' on a hypothetical case of a nonterminal patient refusing treatment. Value of autonomy ov...
When Parents Say No: Religious and Cultural Influences on Pediatric Healthcare Pediatric healthcare professionals are sometimes faced with an ethical, emotionally charged dilemma when treatment, even life-saving treatment, goes against the religious or cultural beliefs of a pediatric patients family. The...