with respect to, referring to; concerning: with respect to your latest request. More idioms and phrases containing respectsee in regard (respect) to ; pay a call (one's respects) ; with all due respect . Discover More Synonym Study Respect, esteem, veneration imply recognition of personal qu...
A:regard andrespectare synonym words, the give same meaning 查看更多回答 Q:respect和 esteem 的差別在哪裡? A:Esteem is the condition of being honoured and respected. It is more formal and more sophisticated: He held his father in high esteem./ herespectshis father a lot. ...
8.assignation (formal or humorous) a meeting, especially a secret one, often with a lover rumours about his secretassignationswith his friend's wife. She had anassignationwith her boyfriend. 9.sloth [U] (formal) the bad habit of being lazy and unwilling to work He admitted a lack of mot...
It is not a synonym for respect, so it’s mangled in the phrase treat with dignity.” However, Garner acknowledges that the “undignified phrase is spreading in American print sources.” We’d add that it’s seen in both the US and the UK, and that it isn’t particularly new. We’...
Numerous articles have discussed pharmaceutical care and 'medicines management' (which some British researchers regard as a synonym for pharmaceutical care) [22]. Two systematic reviews [23, 24] of pharmaceutical care and medicines management report that only eight papers, all from the US, report ...