Superheat: "The superheat package was developed to produce customizable and extendable heatmaps which act as a tool for the visual exploration of complex datasets." circlize for circular visualization Tips Stata Stata Visual Overview Stata Visual Library (with a focus on impact evaluation) by World...
Veterans-Directed Home & Community Services:1-303-480-6755 Colorado Adult Protective Services Colorado Long Term Care Ombudsman Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Health Facilities Division Connecticut Protective Services for the Elderly:1-888-385-4225(local) or1-800-203-1234(out of...
Investing in veterans not only expresses gratitude for their service but also demonstrates our belief in the value they bring to the business world.” Nicole Gatlin - Senior Manager, ERPM Operations & Administration “As a U.S. Army Veteran, it makes me very proud to be a part of an ...
Counseling options for military & veterans & their families. Includes crisis numbers & suicide prevention & intervention resources.
Operation Free Ride is just one of the programs that help Horses4Heroes fulfill its mission to make horseback riding affordable for, and accessible to, the families of the heroes in our community including, but not limited to: active duty military personnel, veterans, law enforcement officers, ...
Mesothelioma cancer centers: Many mesothelioma treatment centers host support groups for people who want to participate. Because mesothelioma is so rare, there may not be a local support group near you dedicated solely to this disease’s victims. However, there are many groups for people suffering...
The VA is using VA resources that should be going to veterans to process claims for illegal aliens. Jon Tester remains silent.
DiNapoli EA, Cully JA, Wayde E, Sansgiry S, Yu HJ, Kunik ME. Age as a predictive factor of mental health service use among adults with depression and/or anxiety disorder receiving care through the Veterans Health Administration: Age as predictor of mental health service use. Int J Geriatr...
Financial assistance:Many families affected by mesothelioma struggle to cover health care expenses, travel costs, and lost wages. Patients and caregivers can pursue financial compensation through asbestos claims, veterans benefits, and nonprofit organizations. ...
In August 2022, Moone began working with Helping Veterans and Families (“HVAF”), a “local nonprofit that serves veterans and families facing homelessness.” Moone began working at HVAF as an intern, and HVAF later hired her for a full-time position as a community center specialist. Early...