A list of groups who are available to provide help to those in need of mental health services for themselves or someone they know. Connecting The Dots Mental Health Young people, peer to peer supporters, and youth mental health advocates Teachers, school counselors, and school administrators ...
Mike Henry, CEO, shares his thoughts about BHP's mental health journey in the first of a series of GBC CEO videos. BHP is proud to support the Movember Foundation BHP is proud to partner with the Movember Foundation for the seventh year running, to help raise awareness and vital funds for...
“It feels like we have this ongoing conversation,”Dr. Joy told Talkspace’s Ashley Ladererof the podcast and online community, during a May 2020 interview for National Mental Health Awareness Month. “It’s been a great way for our community to continue some of these conversations around me...
Not only is it Pelvic Organ Prolapse Awareness month, but we also celebrated Global Running Day in early June. So for our next research round-up, let’s talk about what we can glean from recent studies that discuss the prevalence of POP in activities that involve running. What do we......
My Life is Worth Living:My Life is Worth Living is the first animated series to address suicide prevention for teens https://mylifeisworthliving.org/about/ Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicideis dedicated to increasing awareness, saving lives and reducing the stigma of suicide through spec...
Orange County Mental Health Awareness Events Calendar LIGHT UP HOPE OC September 8-14, 2024 The OC Healthcare Agency will “light up hope” to recognize suicide prevention month in September by lighting the Orange County Administration North (CAN) Building in teal and purple, ...
This page highlights resources, organizations, books, posts, and groups that have been helpful on our family's journey with mental health.
Victims of bullying are at increased risk of depression, self-harm, and self-esteem issues. Learn about bullying's mental health effects and how to cope.
The study underscores the need for heightened awareness regarding the elevated risk in females and individuals with secondary ACL surgery, emphasizing the importance of screening and potential mental health referrals in these populations within the orthopaedic community. Heidari et al. [9] sought to ...