While our program is not able to serve the needs of the developmentally disabled or those with serious or terminal illnesses, we invite the other family members to enjoy the distractions and benefits to body and soul that only a day with horses can provide. Operation Free Ride is just one ...
DEVELOPMENTALLY disabledCARINGThis study examined the relationship of various stressors, coping resources, and coping strategies on the level of stress reported by 147 mothers of adults with delayed development. A sense of mastery and the mother's health as well as financial well-being were ...
(grouphomefordevelopmentallydisabledadults).Somenursingfacilitiesalsohaveaseparateunit thatprovidesthiskindofcare.InNorthCarolina,thislevelofcareislicensedas"adultcare". PublicassistanceforadultcareisprovidedthroughtheSpecialAssistanceprogram. WakeCountyHumanServices(WCHS)hasaSeniorandAdultServicesTeamwhichmaybehelpfulto...
Talk to child in developmentally appropriate terms Acknowledge and validate your child’s concerns. The traumatic event may bring up unrelated fears and issues in your child. Comfort for your child comes from feeling understood and accepted by you, so acknowledge their fears even if they don’t ...
– This federal initiative guarantees certain rights to children and young adults with disabilities, including those diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Under Part C of the program, families of developmentally affected children 2 and younger receive early intervention services, laying the groundwork for ...