Regarding the exam details, in the MB-500 test, there will be 130 minutes allotted to 40-60 questions in such formats like hot area, short answer, active screen, best answer, MCQs, and build lists among many. Each candidate must score a minimum of 700 points out of 1000 to pass the ...
mcqs class 12 chemistry mcqs class 11 chemistry mcqs class 10 chemistry mcqs class 9 chemistry mcqs class 8 chemistry mcqs class 7 chemistry mcqs class 6 chemistry mcqs chemistry practicals cbse class 12 chemistry practical cbse class 11 chemistry practical cbse class 10 chemistry practical cbse ...
Even if these MCQs are automatically created, the production of the ontology remains a problem. Moreover, the educational significance of many MCQs is put into question because of two reasons: they are decontextualized, and they cannot assess higher-level thinking, as they only assess factual ...