The resource-based view (RBV) has emerged as one of several important explanations of persistent firm performance differences in the field of strategic management. After passing through an intense period of theoretical development and proliferation in th
ViewoftheFirm:FifteenYearsAfter StuartL.Hart GlenDowell CornellUniversity TheauthorsrevisitHart’snatural-resource-basedview(NRBV)ofthefirmandsummarize progressthathasbeenmadeintestingelementsofthattheoryandreevaluatetheNRBVinlight ofanumberofimportantdevelopmentsthathaveemergedinrecentyearsinboththeresource- ...
2.2. The resource-based view In strategic management research, RBV theory has emerged as one of the theoretical perspectives used to explain persistency in inter-firmperformance differences [24,25]. According to RBV theory, firms are collections of unique resources and capabilities that are valuable...
A scientific critique of the resource-base view (RBV) in strategy theory, with competence-based remedies for the RBV's conceptual deficiencies and logic problems - Sanchez - 2008 () Citation Context ...ractices with an element of ability appears in multiple domains, such as: military ...
Resource Based View
Received07 January 2013 Accepted10 March 2013 Published06 April 2013 Issue DateJanuary 2014 DOI Keywords Resource-based theory (RBT) Resource-based view (RBV) Dynamic capability theory VRIO Marketing assets...
The resource-based view (RBV) and transaction cost economics (TCE) are two of the most influential theoretical frameworks in organizational theory today, yet their normative implications for managerial decision-making have rarely been explicitly compared. We argue that the two theories are mutually ...
Austrian capital theorycomplexity theoryentrepreneurscompetitive advantageOver the last two decades the resource-based view ("RBV") has become dominant in the strategic management field. It has often been observed that the RBV is lacking in the dynamic dimension. For example, processes of building ...
Resource based theorySMEEcommerceManagementThis article describes the role of resource-based view (RBV) theory in conducting a strategic management analysis of sellers in Tokopedia. Seller, in this paperYuga, AdityaWidjaja, Anton WachidinSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
Thus, while Nahapiet and Ghoshal defined social capital as a separate, broad class of resources, Barney defined it as being part of the human resource class and organizational resource class. Such variety in interpretations, again, is confusing.Jeroen KraaijenbrinkAard Groen...