whether more than one identifier can be a "synonym" for one and the same memory space. That's why the compiler should be very careful inside a loop in which memory is both read and written while storing data in registers and not in memory. This insufficient usage of registers may ...
In contemporary debate,sustainabilityoften serves as a synonym forsustainable development. On other occasions, it is associated more exclusively with environmental constraints or environmental performance, and the expressionenvironmental sustainabilityis used to emphasize that point. Parallel references can be ...
An OT synonym for death, the natural, inevitable human destiny, though not... 9110 after-life 9110 after-life Although the OT generally portrays this as a vague and shadowy existence, often... 9122 eternity, and God 9122 eternity, and God Whether one considers...
An OT synonym for death, the natural, inevitable human destiny, though not... 9130 future, the 9130 future, the God’s promises about the future are certain because it is under God’s control... 9540 Sheol 9540 Sheol A Hebrew term used to refer to the grave, the pit...
An OT synonym for death, the natural, inevitable human destiny, though not... 9125 footstool 9125 footstool Used mostly symbolically to refer to God’s supreme authority over his creation. It... 9130 future, the 9130 future, the God’s promises about the future ar...
An OT synonym for death, the natural, inevitable human destiny, though not... 9110 after-life 9110 after-life Although the OT generally portrays this as a vague and shadowy existence, often... 9122 eternity, and God 9122 eternity, and God Whether one considers the past ...
An OT synonym for death, the natural, inevitable human destiny, though not... 9105 last things 9105 last things The doctrine of the last things (“eschatology”) includes the subjects of death,... 9512 hell, as an experience 9512 hell, as an experience The state of...
An OT synonym for death, the natural, inevitable human destiny, though not... 9130 future, the 9130 future, the God’s promises about the future are certain because it is under God’s control... 9540 Sheol 9540 Sheol A Hebrew term used to refer to ...
An OT synonym for death, the natural, inevitable human destiny, though not... 9110 after-life 9110 after-life Although the OT generally portrays this as a vague and shadowy existence, often... 9122 eternity, and God 9122 eternity, and God Whether one considers the ...
exploration synonym───探索同义词 exploration lite───勘探lite renewable resource───[环境]可再生资源 resource geology───地质资源 resource hacker───资源黑客 financial resource───n.金融资源,资金来源;财务资源,财力资源;资金,资金来源,财政或财力资源 双语使用场景 The quantitative interpretation ...