The game takes a little longer to load than usual, and at the end pops up a little window saying "! Resource Reload Failed" - which results in all of my mod resources and resourcepacks not being loaded. It screws up my FancyMenu and also won't allow me to load into any worlds. At...
Samples and assets for building Minecraft: Bedrock Edition add-ons - bedrock-samples/resource_pack/texts/en_US.lang at 453cef6529b4db92c2a51dbbf8654c4aa0f29536 · Mojang/bedrock-samples
Minecraft is a game that looks blocky and cubic by default. But it’s surprisingly demanding on CPU and GPU resources for looking so simple. Perhaps this is why resource packs, like theLB Photorealism Reload pack, are so popular with the majority of players. Not only do these packs make t...