A reluctance to part with money, often associated with the hoarding of money or... 5915 ornaments 5915 ornaments The use of jewellery and other adornments is not forbidden in Scripture, but... 5927 resentment 5927 resentment A feeling...
A reluctance to part with money, often associated with the hoarding of money or... 5916 pessimism 5916 pessimism A negative and hopeless attitude, resulting either from viewing the world as being... 5919 popularity 5919 popularity The state of being liked and admired. Scripture n...
A reluctance to part with money, often associated with the hoarding of money or... 5909 motives, importance of 5909 motives, importance of God acts from the highest, purest motives and expects his people to... 5916 pessimism 5916 pessimism A negative and ho...
不义的管家 16耶稣又对门徒说:“有一个财主的管家,别人向他主人告他浪费主人的财物。2主人叫他来,对他说:‘我听见你这事怎么样呢?把你所经管的交代明白,因你不能再做我的管家。’3那管家心里说:‘主人辞我,不用我再做管家,我将来做什么?锄地呢,无力;讨饭呢,怕羞。4...