Just about all the functionality of Resource Hacker™ can be accessed from the command line without having to open the Resource Hacker™ GUI. Command line instructions and Resource Hacker™ scripts can remove the drudgery entailed with repeating Resource Hacker™ tasks. Command-line instructions...
.res, etc. The command line lets you easily compile and decompile resources. You can either compile an active resource script file or one that you create by using the Resource Hacker editor. There are further features of the script compiler. ...
To replace the windows icon, rcedit simply doesn't work as it generates the wrong icon resource headers resulting in ugly window icons. Using Resource Hacker with command line ResHacker.exe -modify "Project.exe", "Project.exe", "ProgramI...
Resource Hacker 4.6.32 更新日志 Bugfix: Fixed bugs when extracting text resources to RC files from the commandline (related to ansi/unicode conversion). Update: More logical naming of binary files when extracting to RC files. Bugfix: Occasionally the pop-up display of menu resources was too ...
Most people use Reshack (Resource Hacker). Doubtless you know of it. It's much less expensive than your product, but your product is much easier to use and requires less time to learn. PE Explorer displays the information in the DLL in a very clear manner when compared to Reshack. ...
Resource Hacker FX uses the new open and save common dialogs instead of the old outdated ones. Also, some saving as parameters got improved: the directory of the current file is initially shown, the file name gets filled, the extension is automatically added if not specified. ...
Command line npm install -g resourcehacker resourcehacker -add ExeFileName, ResultingFileName, ResourceAddress, ResourceType, ResourceName, resourcehacker -addskip ExeFileName, ResultingFileName, ResourceAddress, ResourceType, ResourceName, resourcehacker -addoverwrite ExeFileName, ResultingFileName, Resou...
Resource hacker will dutifully wipe out the VB created VERSIONINFO resource and replace it with the one compiled from your RC script. One important note, though. ResHacker willnot mergea single resource, and all of the version information is considered a single resource. That means that you nee...
Hacker, C. D. et al. Resting state network estimation in individual subjects. Neuroimage 82, 616–633 (2013). Article PubMed Google Scholar Mueller, S. et al. Individual variability in functional connectivity architecture of the human brain. Neuron 77, 586–595 (2013). Article CAS PubMed...
但是,但是任何东西都有他的两面性,ResKit就非常具有代表性,在Hacker群体中大家习惯把这个玩意叫做“Hacker的工具箱”。当然如果你想当一个Hacker你得掌握里面的东西,而想当一个好的administrator你也得掌握里面的东西。 这个介绍的内容将会尽量多的写,但是个人能力有限,有什么问题大家赶快提出来进行改正和充实。