Accepted Parameters for New-AzResourceGroup : Post creation of resource group, let's say you are trying to create a VNet in the existing resource group, you can do so by Using New-...
TheGet-AzResourcelists your Azure resources, which is useful here to verify the resources were created and the resource group creation was successful. PowerShell Get-AzResource Like theGet-AzResourceGroupcommand, you can get a more concise view through theFormat-Tablecmdlet: ...
Specifies the scope of uniqueness for the default hostname during resource creation 展开表 NameTypeDescription NoReuse string ResourceGroupReuse string SubscriptionReuse string TenantReuse string AutoHealActions Actions which to take by the auto-heal module when a rule is triggered. 展开表 Nam...
Azure PowerShell Copy Open Cloud Shell Get-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Batch The command returns:Output Copy {ProviderNamespace : Microsoft.Batch RegistrationState : Registered ResourceTypes : {batchAccounts} Locations : {West Europe, East US, East US 2, West US...} ... ...
Deploy My Azure Resources – Using PowerShell The second way to create a resource group in Azure is to run the PowerShell script provided as part of the Deployment project (Publish-AzureResourceGroup.ps1). The script leverages the latestAzure PowerShell(at least version 0.8.3 or later). ...
Preregister all providers in a subscription Create a custom RBAC role to permit registration of resources providers to resource group owners1- Preregister all providers in a subscriptionIf we have a limited number of subscriptions that doesn’t change often, we can run a PowerShell command to...
I am running into wall attempting to complete the following:1.) I am wanting to do a Get-Mailbox filtering only ResourceType -eq "workspace"I am able to do...
Run "AzureResourceInventory.ps1". In Azure CloudShell you're already authenticated. In PowerShell Desktop you will be redirected to Azure sign-in page. If you have privileges in multiple tenants you can specify the desired one by using "-TenantID" parameter or Azure Resource will scan all yo...
$rgName = \"your resource group name\" \n $CRPName = \"your CRP name\" \n $CRType = “your custom resource type” \n $CRName = “your new created custom resource name” \n \n $addURI = \"$subID/resourceGroups/$rgName/provi...
If you’re looking into using PowerShell DSC, have questions or issues with a current resource, or would like a new resource, let us know in the comments below, on Twitter (@PowerShell_Team), or by creating an issue onGitHub.