The resource-based view (RBV) has emerged as one of several important explanations of persistent firm performance differences in the field of strategic management. After passing through an intense period of theoretical development and proliferation in th
Resource-based theories, which include theories of resource acquisition and accumulation (such as strategic factor market theory and the competitive lifecycle), theories of the firm (such as the knowledge-based view) and theories ofsustainable competitive advantage(such as dynamic capabilities and the r...
The author also discusses some important issues not raised by Priem and Butler--the resolutions of which will be necessary if a more complete resource-based theory of strategic advantage is to be developed. 关键词: CiteSeerX citations Is the Resource-Based „View” a Useful Perspective for ...
A Resource-Based View of the Firm Author(s): Birger Wernerfelt Source: Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 5, No. 2 (Apr. - Jun., 1984), pp. 171-180 Published by: John Wiley & Sons Stable URL: . Accessed: 27/12/2010 07:10 Your use of the ...
© The Author(s) 2011 Reprints and permission: http://. sagepub/journalsPermissions.nav Special Issue: Twenty Years of Resource-Based Theory Invited Editorial at CORNELL UNIV on December 18, 2012 jom.sagepub Downloaded from Hart, Dowell / Natural-Resource-Based View 1465 ...
They also offer their thoughts about some key opportunities within each of the themes for further revitalizing research involving the RBT. [ FROM AUTHOR] 展开 关键词:resource-based theory resource-based view resources DOI: 10.1177/0149206310391805 ...
See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: The resource-based view of the firm and the labour theory of value Article · January 2005 Source: RePEc CITATION 1 1 author: Steven Toms University of Leeds 143 PUBLICATIONS 1...
The resource-based theory is based on the concept of economic rent and the view of the company as a collection of capabilities. This view of strategy has a coherence and integrative role that places it well ahead of other mechanisms of strategic decision
The dominant theory for the evolution of male sexual ornaments is that they act as signals of male quality used by females in their mate choice. But these traits may also be used in male–male competition. In stalk-eyed flies, male eyespan (the distance between the eyes) is already known...
Resource-driven view;Firm resources approach Definition The central argument in the resource-based view (RBV) is that despite a firm having well-defined goals to accomplish, how the mission will be fulfilled is often limited by resource availability (Rangan2004). The RBV focuses on the utilization...