Hotel resort fee lookup tool to find out the resort fee price and what is included. Lookup hotels worldwide, including Las Vegas and other destinations.
Despite all of that information and never-ceasing customer complaints, more properties are charging these fees. In 2018, there were 18% more properties in the top 25 US cities charging a resort fee than in the prior year, according The average fee also increased 11% ...
Resort Fee绝大多数时候是强制性的,各酒店也会在预定时就注明,同时注明Resort Fee涵盖了哪些服务(推荐Resortfeechecker.com已被不时之需)。以SPG旗下的波多黎各W Vieques为例,每天每间房的Resort Fee为$60,其中提供的福利包括: toll-free and local phone calls, 免费本地电话呼叫(当然没什么大用) wireless High...