度假费(resort fee)全免。 Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino酒店每间宽敞的套房均配备了冰箱和套房内的保险箱,设有独立的更 … www.letsbookhotel.com|基于14个网页 2. 渡假村费用 酒店提供最低每晚35美元的客房住宿费,通常他们都会以29.99美元的房租作招徕,另加每晚5美元的额外渡假村费用(Resort fee… ...
必应词典为您提供resortfee的释义,网络释义: 度假费;渡假村费用;渡假设施费;
持有Total Reward钻卡以上等级的会员可以免除Resort Fee。 酒店集团免费住宿免除:这个是属于YMMY(Your Mileage May Vary) 的领域,不少酒店兑换免费住宿的话有可能不会收你Resort Fee,但是这点并没有明文保障。 以Resort Credit 的形式赚回来:对于特定的地方,比如Las Vegas,实际上只要稍微懂得一些正确的预定酒店的办法...
万豪Resort Fee 诉讼为长期持有酒店实践提出新目标 Resort Fee大家想必都不陌生,Resort Fee的别名还有facility fee,destination fee,amenity fee,urban fee,resort charge,其实大同小异,都是酒店号称自己提供了某些增值服务而强制收取的费用,大多见于度假村酒店,带赌场的酒店,以及一些大城市的酒店等。——名词解释 哥伦...
度假费 度假费用 度假村附加费 resort
词汇resort fee 释义resort fee resort fee发音 意思翻译 度假费 相似词语短语 resorted───n.凭借,手段;度假胜地;常去之地;vi.求助,诉诸;常去;采取某手段或方法 resorter───n.常去胜地的人 resort hotel───度假酒店;度假村 resort town───旅游胜地;休养城镇;疗养城镇 ...
A daily resort fee of $50 will be posted to each guestroom for a variety of amenities which include the below. For any questions, please contact Reservations at(480) 941-8200. In-Room WiFi: Daily Enhanced High-Speed Internet Access. ...
Resort fees, which can also be called destination fees, are an additional amount of money charged by hotels or resorts for specific amenities. The resort fee amount varies by property and location, but the fixed amount is typically charged on a daily basis, so it can set you back quite a...
是|否 6.4 小一般 Deresh(来自南非) 好友组队 豪华房 入住了2晚(2024年1月) Extra charges” Got home to a $40 a day resort fee. Which I have no idea what it’s for. 点评日期: 2024年1月28日星期日 您觉得此点评是否有用?是|否 12345 这家酒店住宿好热门,不容错过! 更多酒店住宿 关闭...
View the list of items that are currently included with the resort fee that is charged at check-in.