英[ˈrezəneɪt] v.产生共鸣;发出回响;回荡;(使)回响 网络共振;引起共鸣;使共鸣 过去式:resonated现在分词:resonat-ing现在分词:resonating第三人称单数:resonates 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 resonate 显示所有例句 v. 1. [i] 产生共鸣;发出回响;回荡to make a deep, clear sound that continues...
resonate resonate是什么意思、resonate怎么读 读音:英['rez(ə)neɪt] 美['rɛzə'net] resonate 基本解释 v. (使)共鸣, (使)共振 resonate 网络释义 vt. 共鸣;共振 vi. 共鸣;共振 resonate 词性变化 第三人称单数:resonates 过去式:resonated 现在分词:resonating 过去分词:resonated...
resonate是什么意思 音标: 英 ['rezəneɪt] 美 [ˈrɛzəˌnet] v. (使)共鸣, (使)共振 v. sound with resonance v. be received or understood resonate的用法和例句: 1.We're going to play back groans which have been resynthesized, where I've either lowered the resonances, so ...
All that no longer resonates with the Great Central Sun shall be pushed outside of her boundary or threshold. 不与大中枢太阳共振的所有一切都将被排除在她的区界或开端之外。 dipan.maidee.com 6. Again, not a fool proof plan but if one of these resonates with you, take steps to correct ...
resonate 英[ˈrezəneɪt] 美[ˈrezəneɪt] 释义 vi. 共鸣或共振; 回响 词态变化 第三人称单数: resonates; 过去式: resonated; 过去分词: resonated; 现在分词: resonating; 实用场景例句 全部 回响 a resonating chamber 产生回音的房间 牛津词典 The room resonated with the chatter of 100 ...
resonate 基本解释 resonate的反义词 不及物动词共鸣或共振; 回响 resonate 网络解释 1. 共振:当它们被拨弄时,会发出和谐的灵性音乐,而这样的和声(harmony)创造出的泛音(overtone)使其他的弦产生共振(resonate)或趋于静止(still). 而这些其他的弦可以是...工作、丰盛、解答及和平的意图等等. 让我稍微形容一下小武...
resonate /ˈrɛzəˌneɪt/ [ resonating resonated resonates ] 1 不及物动词 If something resonates, it vibrates and produces a deep, strong sound. 共振 The bass guitar began to thump so loudly that it resonated in my head. 低音吉他开始砰然作响,震得我的脑袋嗡嗡的。 2 不及...
1.在音乐领域中,resonate可以指某个声音或乐曲使人产生共鸣的感觉,引起人们内心深处的共振。例如:The beautiful melody resonated with the audience and touched their hearts (美妙的旋律与观众产生共鸣并触动了他们的心灵)。 2.在艺术作品中,resonate可以表示作品给人以强烈印象或让人对其深感赞赏。例如:Her paintin...
resonate 常考释义 v. (使)共鸣 变形词 过去式 resonated 过去分词 resonated 第三人称单数 resonates 现在分词 resonating 雅思常考例句 Some of them drive dynamic processes that resonate through the whole food chain, creating niches for hundreds of species that might otherwise struggle to survive. 大...