Recently, DC/DC resonant converters have received much research interest as a result of the advancements in their applications. This increase in their industrial application has given rise to more efforts in enhancing the soft-switching, smooth waveforms
Soft-switched matrix converter for high frequency direct AC-to-AC power conversion A soft-switched matrix converter is proposed using the zero voltage switching technique in some resonant pole inverters. A high operating frequency with safe and efficient switching improves the dynamic and spectral perfo...
Note that the resonant-recovery technique requires a lower switching frequency but a higher peak current Ipk than pure BCM. It is DCM in time but BCM in peak current. The key parameter is the phase angle, δ, for the next excursion of the inductor current. For the case of a synchronous...
A novel soft switching high frequency link converter for medium and high power ac-ac and ac-dc applications is proposed. The transient response of the distribution static compensator(DSTATCOM) is very important while com- pensatingrapidly varying unbalanced and nonlinear loads. Any change inthe ...
8. Switching power amplifier of magnetic bearing worked in hard switching. To overcome drawbacks of large loss of switching and current harmonic distortion, a parallel resonant DC link soft-switching power amplifier was adopted in this paper. ...
The main advantage of the resonant power conversion technique is its ability to eliminate turn on or turn off loss on semiconductor power devices, so that the converter can operate efficiently at multi-MHz switching frequency and yield higher power density compared to the pulse-width-modulated (PWM...
Zero Voltage Switching Resonant Power Conversion Bill Andreycak Abstract The technique of zero voltage switching in modern power conversion is explored. Several ZVS topologies and applications, limitations of the ZVS technique, and a generalized design procedure are featured. Two design examples are ...
In this paper, the genera] properties of the resonant, quasi-resonant, multi-resonant and PWM soft-switching techniques are summarized. The merits and limitations of each technique are discussed, and their most suitable application areas are defined.doi:10.1080/00207219408926086...
The power conversion is achieved by a PWM control scheme, and zero current switching is realized by the assistance of a current mode resonant technique. This converter has the easy control characteristics of PWM and the low switching loss of resonant-type converters. The experimental results of a...
Compared with conventional gate driver, resonant gate driver achieves much lower power dissipation during switching transient and widely viewed as one essential technique for high frequency power conversion. This paper provides a state-of-art review and thorough comparison of different resonant gate ...