(MathWork, USA) scripts developed by the researches and validated in other publications26,27. The detection of the maximum RSA was done by looking for the highest power peak in the Fast Fourier Transformation of the RR series for all the breathing rates. We performed a Friedman test (non-...
Isaac Z, Anderson BC. Evaluation of the patient with neck pain and cervical spine disorders. UpToDate [online serial], Waltham, MA: UpToDate; reviewed December 2014. Isaac Z, Kelly HR. Evaluation of the adult patient with neck pain. UpToDate [online serial]. Waltham, MA: UpToDate; reviewed ...
medical records, and EMG/nerve conduction studies (NCS) results were analyzed retrospectively in a consecutive series of 191 patients who underwent MR neurography for spinal and peripheral nerve disorders; 91 (47.6 %) of these patients also underwent EMG/...
Although echocardiography is widely used and well studied, it relies heavily upon suitable echocardiographic windows, experience of the operator and a series of geometrical and mathematical assumptions in estimating ventricular volumes and mass [3]. On the other hand, assessment by cardiovascular magnetic...
We aimed to evaluate the screening utility of the metoclopramide (MCP) test in identifying patients with moderate hyperprolactinemia for whom MRI studies might be unnecessary. METHODS. We retrospectively selected patients with moderate hyperprolactinemia, with an MCP test and a pituitary MRI within the ...
resonance to build under the influence of said excitation, terminating said excitation, feeding back the decaying natural resonant frequency of said decaying resonance as further excitation after the amplitude of said resonance has decayed to zero to cause a series of independent ringings of said ...
Nature Biomedical Engineering (Nat. Biomed. Eng)ISSN2157-846X(online) Sign up for theNature Briefing: Cancernewsletter — what matters in cancer research, free to your inbox weekly. Email address Sign up I agree my information will be processed in accordance with theNatureand Springer Nature Lim...
Two cardiac gated image series were acquired under labeled and control conditions. The labeling slab was placed at the coronary root while the control slab was placed symmetrically about the imaging slice in a manner similar to EPISTAR. The authors found that spASL had higher SNR compared to ...
which is composed of a series of discrete data points for easy viewing in real time. The data for each test are stored by the App in text form in the phone memory card and can be retrieved and displayed. With the mobile web, the data also can be uploaded and exported to be shared,...
Full size image T2 mapping differs from T2w imaging in that it renders pixel-wise T2 times for myocardium on a continuous millisecond (ms) scale. The basic requirements for any conventional T2 mapping method are: (a) acquisition of a series of T2w images at varying T2 sensitivity; (b) co...