ps3《永恒终焉 Resonance of Fate 4K/HD Edition》英文ISO下载,永恒终焉是一款角色扮演类游戏,画风独特,感兴趣的小伙伴一定不要错过这款游戏,一起来了解一下吧。 《永恒终焉》是一款由tri-Ace开发,SEGA发行的角色扮演类游戏,首次于2010年1月28日在游戏主机PlayStation 3和Xbox 360上发行。游戏背景设定在一个遥远...
英文名称:Resonance of Fate / End of Eternity 日文名称:エンド オブ エタニティ 游戏类型:角色扮演类 对应主机:PS3 开发厂商:tri-Ace 发行厂商:SEGA 游戏语言:美版 发售日期:2010-03-16 运行测试:内置测试完美 《永恒终焉》是由tri-Ace与SEGA合作开发的以遥远未来因污染与地轴变动而衰败的地球为背景的角色...
User Rating:9.5| Resonance of FatePS3 Bytaxonomic| Review Date:April 5, 2010 Tri-Ace has always been one of my favorite JRPG developers. When the industry zigged, they zagged. When it was fashionable to do 3D, they did 2D. When it became popular to do medieval fantasy, they did Sci...
User Rating: 8 | Resonance of Fate PS3 By Tape_Lad | Review Date: December 10, 2010 Just to start off This is a good JRPG. It definitly beats FF XIII and is more enjoyable since there wasn't a hype leading to little to no dissappointment unlike FFXIII. I've been talking about FFX...
永恒的尽头エンド オブ エタニティ / End of Eternity / 레조넌스 오브 페이트Resonance of Fate tri-Ace 2010-01-28 7.47.0 简介 开发/发行 链接 封面秀 Logo 媒体评分7.4会员评分7.0 本作的故事舞台设定为一座被钢筋铁骨所包围的都市。由于地球环境的急剧恶化,世界上的大部分土地都已经沦...
网络永恒的尽头;永恒终焉;攻略 网络释义
《永恒终焉:4K/HD版(End of Eternity 4K/HD Edition)》是一款由tri-Ace制作SEGA发行的RPG类游戏,由8年前的PS3/Xbox360平台原版4KHD重制而来,游戏以遥远未来的地球为舞台,由机械构成的独特世界观,人们生活于荒废的地球与耸立天际的巨大机械“巴赛尔”之中。不同于一般RPG使用的刀剑魔法,本作吸引人的特色之一是...
RE: 【BT/网盘】《永恒终焉:4K/HD版(RESONANCE OF FATE)》免安装未加密版[EN/JP ...
Resonance of Fate is developed by the heralded RPG developers, tri-Ace, who have had a hand in developing some of gaming’s most celebrated RPG franchises from Star Ocean to Valkyrie Profile. Sega and Tri-Ace now introduce Resonance of Fate, which adds a new spin to the genre ...