共振建筑集团 (Resonance Architects Group) 一系列作品在不断突破传统审美法则的同时,其创作的众多作品由于形态特征突出、时代气息浓郁、艺术风格独特而举世闻名,挑战社会知觉的丰富建筑形态语言是与社会交流的有效工具,作品不仅为人们勾勒出一幅幅当代先锋精神画卷,通过对建筑形态语言的文化基因、观念维度及技术采撷三个角...
The results are consistent with the attention restoration theory and suggest that the perception of restorative qualities and a building-integrated vegetation could be considered for architects in order to provide cognitive resources necessary for adequate human functioning....
共振建筑集团 (Resonance Architects Group) 事务所的追求创新、勇于挑战的文化氛围吸引了一大批才华横溢的设计师以及世界各地睿智且富有雄心的客户。这是因为共振建筑集团 (Resonance Architects Group) 能够在不断的“运动”中寻找到创造性的协作方式,将潜在能量和未知动力转化为前所未有的、令人惊讶、实用美观而具经济...
In Geometry for Naval Architects; Elsevier: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2019; pp. i–iii. [Google Scholar] Kaldashev, T. Development of a parametric program for processing a hyperbolic surface on a lathe machine. Environ. Technol. Resour. Proc. Int. Sci. Pract. Conf. 2019, 3, 70–73. ...