默认情况下是 5s 超时,我做了两个简单的测试,把 resolv.conf 的前三个 nameserver 全部换成不存在的,,,然后可以观察下面 strace 跟踪的结果,对于 ping 以及 getent 来说,已经算是上层的应用结果了。1. strace -t getent hosts baidu.com 2. strace ping baidu.com 把timeout 设...
语法:resolver_timeout time; 默认值:resolver_timeout 30s; 上下文:http, server, location 设置名称解析超时,例如: resolver_timeout 5s;说说我的看法 * 必填 * 必填 发布 全部评论(0) 没有评论目录 更多教程 Java IO 教程 Spring Data Redis 教程 Redis 教程 Spring 教程 Spring Cloud OpenFeign ...
The default timeout was 5s and as 5s is the default for most clients we may try more upstream servers but at that point the client already considered this a timeout and no longer accepts answers. As such if we want to try more reolvers in case the first one is offline/not working th...