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1998;MarkertandHahn,2002). Mostapproachestoautomaticmetonymyres- olutionarestructuredintwophases:metonymy recognition(distinguishingliteralusagefrom metonymicusage)andthenmetonymyintepre- tation(identifyingtheintendedreferent(B)). Thus,metonymyrecognitioncanbeseenas aclassificationtask,makingitcomparableto classic...
Ganoderma lucidum suppresses angiogenesis through the inhibition of secretion of VEGF and TGF-beta1 from prostate cancer cells. cancer cells by inhibiting the transcription fac- tors NF-jB and AP-1, resulting in the down-regulation of expression of uPA and its receptor uPAR [... G Stanley,K...
The probe was implanted in the prefrontal cortex (coordinates: AP, 1.5 mm; ML, ±0.5 mm; DV, −1.7 mm from bregma). The implantation was performed by coating the probe with maltose (see protocol below) to provide temporary probe stiffness and facilitate probe insertion. The ...
(BER) pathway43, which requires the AP endonuclease APE1/yAPN1 and the homologous recombination repair factor Rad5244. We therefore tested whether combined inhibition of APE1 and Rad52 sensitizes cancer cells lacking INO80 or RNase H1 to death. PC3 and HEK293 cells depleted of either INO80 ...