sensors Article Detecting Single-Nucleotides by Tunneling Current Measurements at Sub-MHz Temporal Resolution Takanori Morikawa, Kazumichi Yokota, Sachie Tanimoto, Makusu Tsutsui * and Masateru Taniguchi The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, 81 Mihogaoka, Ibaraki 567-0047,...
University of Cyprus, Aglantzia Avenue 1, Nicosia 2109, Cyprus 2 Institute of Neurology, University College London, London WC1N 3BG, UK * Correspondence: Abstract: Before they become invasive, early cancer cells exhibit specific and characteristic changes that are routi...
kitreel | 0:00 Automated pharmaceutical manufacturing line, bottles filled with liquid TheStockStudio | 0:00 Automated manufacturing of Covid-19 test tubes in a clean room TheStockStudio | 0:00 Manufacturing of Medications and Pharmaceuticals Numerous Capsules Closeup of Medicinal Tablets Flash...
micromachines Review The Emerging Frontiers and Applications of High-Resolution 3D Printing Mao Mao 1, Jiankang He 1,*, Xiao Li 2, Bing Zhang 1, Qi Lei 1, Yaxiong Liu 1 and Dichen Li 1 1 State Key Laboratory for Manufacturing Systems Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an 710049,...
International Journal of Geo-Information Article A New GNSS Single-Epoch Ambiguity Resolution Method Based on Triple-Frequency Signals Shengli Wang 1,2, Jian Deng 3, Xiushan Lu 1, Ziyuan Song 2 and Ying Xu 2,* 1 Institute of Ocean Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, ...
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evelopment program function of the ArcGIS platform, the following o(1p)eraTtohresrheaavree baeetontaolbtoafin1e7d,9.91 land-use polygons in the partition region, of which 3893 patches (1) Twhere asreeleacteodtalaocfco1r7d,9in91glatondt-huesier preoglyuglaornistyinatsheefpfeacrtivtieon...