Nasal mask Silicone cushion AirFit™ N20 is our most popular nasal mask and comfortably fits a remarkable 99% of people!1For a classic design that is trusted by sleep doctors and CPAP users alike, try AirFit N20. The mask contains magnets that may interfere with certain implants or medical...
ResMed AirFit N30i Nasal Mask: Comfortable sleep in any position. Minimal contact CPAP mask, tube-up design, soft silicone frame. Shop N30i for better sleep!
瑞思迈家用舒适AirFit F20呼吸机原装配件全脸口鼻面罩原装进口 扬州柳洋医疗科技有限公司 3年 回头率: 0% 江苏 扬州市 ¥216.63 瑞思迈呼吸机mirage fx面罩梦幻鼻罩原装进口鼻罩配件硅胶垫 扬州柳洋医疗科技有限公司 3年 回头率: 0% 江苏 扬州市 ¥9.20 成交20件 CPAP波纹管医用波纹管CPAP面罩连...
AirFit F20 full face mask cushion AirFit F10 full face mask AirFit N30 nasal mask AirFit N30 nasal mask for AirMini AirFit N30i nasal mask AirFit N30i mask cushion AirFit N20 nasal mask AirFit N20 nasal mask cushion AirFit N10 nasal mask ...
瑞思迈AirMini便捷式单水平迷你无创呼吸器全自动蓝牙口袋呼吸机 全自动 福州上腾医疗科技有限公司 4年 查看详情 面议 上海 瑞思迈Resmed S10呼吸机单水平全自动持续正压通气治疗机 全自动 瑞思迈品牌 上海聚慕医疗器械有限公司 5年 查看详情 面议 上海 瑞思迈Stellar 150型呼吸机 适用于成人或儿童(13KG以上) 上海赫...
ResMed has introduced the AirFit N30i, its first top-of-head-connected nasal CPAP mask, across the United States, with a newly designed nasal cradle cushion that sits just under the wearer’s nose. The top-of-head connection keeps tubing out of the wearer’s way, letting...
瑞思迈(Resmed)进口家用AirFit N20鼻罩式面罩医用呼吸机原装配件带头带L码 648元(需用券) 京东 11-26 09:20 0 0 瑞思迈(ResMed)呼吸机便携式呼吸机全自动单水平澳大利亚进口AirMini Mini标配(F20面罩套餐) 6970元(需用券) 京东 12-06 11:55 0 0 ResMed 瑞思迈 思迈(Resmed)呼吸机口鼻全脸面罩Mi...
SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--ResMed (NYSE: RMD) (ASX: RMD) today introduced AirFit N30, the world’s first tube-down nasal cradle CPAP mask with a front-facing tube – a brand-new option for sleep apnea treatment. ResMed’s lightest mask yet, AirFit N30 features an adjustable elastic...
瑞思迈S10全自动呼吸机打呼噜医用CPAP无创家用止鼾器睡眠呼吸器 全自动 瑞迈特品牌 深圳市慧好医疗器械有限公司 2年 查看详情 面议 上海 瑞思迈呼吸机AirCurve10VAuto双水平自动睡眠打呼噜止鼾器s10系列 自动 瑞思迈品牌 天津市乐康泉商贸有限公司 3年 查看详情 面议 广东深圳 33瑞思迈原装进口呼吸机Lumis150ST双水...
The mask joins ResMed’s portfolio of 30-plus CPAP masks, including its popular “tube-down” nasal pillows mask, AirFit P10, winner of the international Red Dot product design award. “We believe that every patient is different, and we are committed to providing the best possible experience...