ResMed AirFit N30i Nasal Mask: Comfortable sleep in any position. Minimal contact CPAP mask, tube-up design, soft silicone frame. Shop N30i for better sleep!
ResMed AirFit F30i is a full face CPAP mask with a top-of-head air tube connection that gives you the freedom to comfortably switch sleep positions.
The AirFit F30i mask is intended to be used by patients weighing more than 30 kg who have been prescribed non-invasive positive airway pressure (PAP) therapy such as CPAP or bi-level therapy. The mask is intended for single patient re-use in the home and multi-patient re-use in the ...
ResMed has introduced the AirFit N30i, its first top-of-head-connected nasal CPAP mask, across the United States, with a newly designed nasal cradle cushion that sits just under the wearer’s nose. The top-of-head connection keeps tubing out of the wearer’s way, letting...
ResMed has introduced the nasal pillow interface AirFit P30i, its second top-of-head-connected CPAP mask for treating sleep apnea.
“The AirFit P30i provides great freedom of movement for patients who want an unobtrusive nasal pillows mask,” said Jim Hollingshead, president of ResMed’s Sleep business. “This unique pillows tube-up frame is a great addition to our growing mask family, and it’s easy for sleep labs ...
SAN DIEGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--ResMed (NYSE: RMD) (ASX: RMD) today introduced AirFit F30i, its first tube-up full face CPAP mask, rounding out the mos
瑞思迈 ResMed 原装进口家用舒适轻便新款穿戴鼻罩面罩AirFit N30i呼吸机配件 788元(需用券) 京东 02-15 11:14 0 -- 瑞思迈(Resmed)S10进口呼吸机家用医用睡眠无创止鼾防打呼噜呼吸暂停配面罩款 8020元(需用券) 京东 02-20 10:31 0 -- 瑞思迈(Resmed)S10进口呼吸机家用医用睡眠无创止鼾防打呼噜呼吸暂停配...
瑞思迈 ResMed 原装进口家用舒适轻便新款穿戴鼻罩面罩AirFit N30i呼吸机配件 788元(需用券) 京东 02-15 11:14 0 -- 瑞思迈(Resmed)S10进口呼吸机家用医用睡眠无创止鼾防打呼噜呼吸暂停配面罩款 8020元(需用券) 京东 02-20 10:31 0 -- 瑞思迈(Resmed)S10进口呼吸机家用医用睡眠无创止鼾防打呼噜呼吸暂停配...
发布日期:2024年1月11日召回级别:Ⅰ级召回产品:AirFit和AirTouch面罩(AirFit N10,AirFit F20,AirTouch F20,AirFit N20,AirTouch N20,AirFit F30,AirFit F30i)产品用途:AirFit和AirTouch面罩是非连续通气设备,旨在供体重超过66磅的接受无创气道正压通气(PAP)治疗(如CPAP或双水平治疗)的患者使用.上述面罩供个人...