高质量的图像插值算法:ON1 Resize 2022采用先进的图像插值算法,能够在改变图像尺寸时保持高质量的图像细节和清晰度。批处理功能:软件支持批量处理多张图像,节省时间并提高工作效率。输出选项:ON1 Resize 2022支持将处理后的图像导出为JPEG、TIFF、PNG等常见格式,并提供了选择输出文件大小和质量的选项。优势:高质量...
10. If you have selected JPEG format in the previous step, you can optimize the images in the next step. 11. The next step allows you to select the Output folder where the processed images will be saved. You can even save the images to their source location. ...
In Photos, the Export dialog gives you options for JPEG Quality and Size. Other editors provide their own resizing controls and may display the (projected) output file size more directly. Reply of 1 How can I resize a picture to 2MB on my MacBook Air?Welcome...
最后,在使用ON1 Resize AI 2023进行图片调整和放大后,您可以将结果导出为常见的图片格式,如JPEG、PNG等。导出的图片质量高,细节清晰,适合用于印刷、展示和分享等用途。总的来说,ON1 Resize AI 2023 for Mac是一款功能强大、操作简单的图片调整和放大软件。它通过先进的AI技术和智能工具,让您能够轻松地调整、...
下载地址:macbook123.com 轻松除了放大功能,ON1 Resize AI 2023 for Mac 还具备强大的图像调整功能。它内置了多种预设和滤镜,让您能够轻松地对照片进行色彩、曝光、锐化、噪点消除等方面的调整。无论是处理 RAW 格式的照片,还是优化 JPEG 图片,都能轻松应对。同时,该软件还支持批量处理,节省了大量时间和精力...
You can export images using any set of feature combination by turning ON and OFF feature. Save your favorite combination of features and option as global presets for efficient reusability for faster batch processing in future. Supports source image formats like JPG, HEIC, JPEG2000, PSD, PNG, TI...
它支持多种图片格式,如JPEG、RAW、PNG等,并且可以自动识别图片中的主体,从而保证图片缩放后不会出现失真或变形。此外,ON1 Resize AI 2023还具有简单易用的界面和丰富的调整选项,可以帮助用户轻松地完成图片缩放任务。测试环境:MacOS 13.1 ON1 Resize AI 2023 Mac版安装教程...
* Output formats: JPG, JPEG, JPE, JP2, JPX, PNG, TIFF, TIF, GIF, BMP, HEIC, HEIF * Save the resized images in a folder of your choosing So purchase ImageSize today and tasks that usually take hours will only take seconds to complete. ...
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