# 显示原始图像和调整后的图像 cv2.imshow('Original Image', image) cv2.imshow('Resized Image', resized_image) # 等待按键,然后关闭窗口 cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() import cv2 imgorg = cv2.imread(img_path) imgorg = cv2.cvtColor(imgorg, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) img = cv2.resize(img...
cv2.resize用法 cv2.resize(image, dsize[, dst[, fx[, fy[, interpolation]]]) 参数: image:原图像dsize:输出图像的大小,是一个元组(width, height) dst:输出图像的存储位置fx:水平放缩因子,默认值为1 fy:垂直放缩因子,默认值为1 interpolation:插值方法,有以下可选值cv2.INTER_NEAREST最近邻插值cv2.INTER...
if round(image_max * scale) > max_dim: # 最终原图片最大边扩充不能超过最大max_dim维度,否则重新选择scale scale = max_dim / image_max # Resize image using bilinear interpolation print('scale=',scale) if scale != 1: image = cv.resize(image, (round(h * scale), round(w * scale)))...
resized = cv2.resize(img, dim, interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA) print('Resized Dimensions : ',resized.shape) cv2.imshow("Resized image", resized) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows() 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 结果: Origina...
我已经根据resize_image()函数的解析对原图像与resize图像进行了解析, 若有读者想对原图像与目标图像不同尺寸验证,可根据以下代码,调整函数参数, 其细节如下: import cv2 as cv import numpy as np img=cv.imread('D:\\MASKRCNN\\mask-rcnn-me\\MASKRCNN_myself\\0.bmp') ...
OpenCV Resize Image - We learn the syntax of cv2.resize() and how to use this function to resize a given image. We can use cv2.resize() function to upscale, downscale, or resize to a desired size (considering or not considering the aspect ratio).
import cv2 img = cv2.imread("./Pictures/python.png") print('Original Dimensions : ',img.shape) width = 440 height = img.shape[0] # keep original height dim = (width, height) # resize image resized = cv2.resize(img, dim, interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA) print('Resized Dimensions : ...
resize Resizes an image. C++: void resize(InputArray src, OutputArray dst, Size dsize, double fx=0, double fy=0, int interpolation=INTER_LINEAR ) Python: cv2.resize(src, dsize[, dst[, fx[, fy[, interpolation]]]) → dst C: void cvResize(const CvArr* src, CvArr* dst, int inte...
import cv2img = cv2.imread("800_600.jpg")print(img.shape)# 缩放imgResize = cv2.resize(img, (1024, 768))print(imgResize.shape)cv2.imshow("Image", imgResize)cv2.waitKey(0) 实际效果,可以看到具体的高度与宽度显示。 resize等比例缩放
__author__='zj'importcv2importosif__name__=='__main__':img=cv2.imread("lena.jpg",-1)ifimg==None:print"Error: could not load image"os._exit(0)height,width=img.shape[:2]# 缩小图像 size=(int(width*0.3),int(height*0.5))shrink=cv2.resize(img,size,interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)# ...