React Native Image Resizer A React Native module that can create scaled versions of local images (also supports the assets library on iOS). Setup Install the package: React-Native 0.29.2+ npm install --save react-native-image-resizer react-native link react-native-image-resizer React-Native ...
😻 React Native >= 0.40 npm install --save react-native-image-resizer react-native link react-native-image-resizer ⚠️ Heads up, breaking change! If you're upgrading react-native-image-resizer to version 1.0.0, please note that the response of createResizedImage changed. You must ...
react image-resizer image-file-resizer image photo file resize resizer compress rotate scaling scale meghoshpritam published1.0.5•a month agopublished 1.0.5 a month ago M Q P @react-native-oh-tpl/react-native-image-resizer Rescale local images with React Native ...
06 的时候,强大的微软提供了一个好用的库,支持将 .NET Framework 的桌面应用构建时添加 native ...
easyimage A promise-based, user-friendly module for processing images in Node.js imagemagick image graphics process convert resize crop thumbnail promise mrkmgpublished 3.1.1 • 6 years agopublished 3.1.1 6 years ago M Q P Rescale local images with React...
Lately, I have been working with a couple of image-intensive projects with Node.js, Next.js, React.js, and really only with JavaScript. I used to use a package calledgmto optimize and resize images but that came at a cost of installing a couple of other native packages like GraphicsMagic...
使用方法:image_center_crop(source, width, height, target); 1.5K10 使用AbortSignal 移除事件监听器addeventlistenerresize事件 jwj 2023-03-24 现在有个需求,弹窗打开时,监听窗口大小变化,并动态调整弹窗大小,避免弹窗比窗口还大,导致弹窗无法操作。弹窗关闭后,移除监听 resize。因为执行时需要有参数,... 1.6K31...
使用React Redux 库的 connect() 方法来生成容器组件前,需要先定义 mapStateToProps 这个函数来指定如何把当前 Redux store state 映射到展示组件的 props 中。 除了读取 state,容器组件还能分发 action。类似的方式,可以定义mapDispatchToProps() 方法接收 dispatch() 方法并返回期望注入到展示组件的 props 中的回调方...