Resistor Color Code The resistance value in ohms is often marked with a color code on the resistor. The combination of colors tells the value as well as the tolerance of the resistor. For more information about this topic, refer to the resistor color code.What...
Resistor valuesare indicated on the body of resistors using a color code, though on sub-miniature components the value is often printed in alphanumeric characters (and may need a magnifying glass to read). SeeAppendix Bfor details of the color code, and websites that show the shape of typic...
The packaging is conveniently labeled with the resistor ratings on the inside and a color code chart on the outside. It does includes a bunch of zero ohm resistors that are basically useless if you're not running a pick and place machine. Might have been better to include a few extra 1...
The rule of thumb when choosing a pull-up resistor is to choose a resistance value that is at least 10 times smaller than theinput impedance(or the internal resistance) of the pin. Often, a pull-up value of 10 kΩ will do the trick. But if you want to understand how it works, kee...