We enjoyed navigating through the Mighty 8K’s menus, thanks to its large and easy-to-use touchscreen display. There’s little need to consult the manual – the printer walks you through an onboard tutorial to handle leveling and your first test print. Want to rerun a test file at a di...
Tutorial Video Watch this video to learn how to upgrade your Sonic Mighty 8K printer parts into 12K and how to change your release film to the newACF film. We hope you have an incredible 3D printing journey with your new 12K printer! Hello, after I upgraded my 8k with the 12k kit, th...
to create a custom color. The modified Clear Resin can then be put into a Formlabs 3D printer for use, and the part will print in the new custom color that you have created. Alcohol inks completely dissolve into Clear Resin, making them the ideal coloring agent to give you consistent...
Z-axis calibration is essential for every 3D printer. Run this test to make sure that the building plate is leveled to the LCD screen. This is to ensure that models and prints will adhere to the building plate. We will guide you through the steps of calibrating yourSonic Mini 8K LCD 3D...
Form 1+ orForm 23D printer 200 mLClear Resin 0.2 g epoxy dye 5 mL fragrance oil Want to print in matte, opaque color using Formlabs Standard Resins?Try Color Kit! Directions Add the dye, fragrance oil, and resin to a jar with a lid. Shake the ingredients together until fully combined...
UV resin 3D printing liquid Photopolymer for DLP LCD 3d printer transparent uv sensitive 3d wax resin 405nm molds for resin 3d $6.00 - $9.58 Min. order: 1 set Easy Return AB Glue 1kg 1:1 Crystal Clear Casting Resin Epoxy epoxy resin kit for Wood resin epoxy Liquid for Woodworking $5.00...
/resin-3d-printer /photon-mono-m5s /firmware-update-tutorialAnycubic Photon Mono M5s-更新固件教程页面内容 1. 方式1:APP更新 2. 方式2:USB更新 1)打印固件文件 2)固件文件打印完成后,固件更新成功,打印机将自动重启 标签m5sphoton mono m5s固件更新更新固件...
Phrozen Sonic Mini 4K Resin 3D Printer (26) Phrozen PFA (nFEP) Film (2) Phrozen Aqua 8K 3D Printing Resin (28) Phrozen Aqua 4K 3D Printing Resin (1) Description Shipping and Tariff Return and Warranty Phrozen’s LCD screens are durable and are made to...
Before we start printing on the Phrozen Sonic Mega 8K, we must first import the sliced 3D file onto the resin 3D printer. There are two ways to import 3D files: via USB, and via Ethernet. Read on to find out more: Importing Files Via USB 1) After sli