近日,Resilient Cities and Structures 期刊正式被Scopus数据库收录! Resilient Cities and Structures期刊由同济大学主办,由Elsevier出版发行。旨在发表韧性结构、韧性系统、韧性城市和韧性管理等方面的高水平研究论文,为国内外相关领域科学研究和工程技术人员...
该展览遴选56本国际学术期刊参展,旨在强化科学与社会之间的连接,以科学之美和封面故事向公众传递科学研究的非凡魅力。土木工程学院Resilient Cities and Structures(RCS)期刊受邀参展。 开幕式上,爱思唯尔全球首席执行官白可珊女士与RCS期刊主编周...
Earthquake engineering, Steel structuresView full biography Professor Gian Paolo Cimellaro, PhD Polytechnic of Turin, Torino, Italy Disaster resilience, Infrastructure and network interdependencies, Structural dynamics and earthquake engineering, Structural health monitoring, Machine learning and big data analysis...
The study found that relative local land subsidence is more spatially variable than IPCC estimates previously suggested, with cities in Asia suffering the most. The findings could refine predictions of relative sea level rise and better guide actions for planning, designing and implementing protection ...
Since resilient and smart cities involve dealing with built structures, infrastructures, communities, institutions, and individuals among others, the envisioned solution needs to be the fruit of real multidisciplinary discussions in a multicultural environment promoting communication and thus optimizing the ...
Another critical aspect of resilient cities is robust infrastructure and built environment. This includes the design and construction of buildings, roads, bridges, and other physical structures that can withstand natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes. It also involves the ...
1. Here is a link to the related and relevant project of my friend Poki Piottin (aka Hugo): http://nodilus.org/ You’ll see that many of the same concepts you are naming plus others are included in this vision. What you are seeing and naming in terms of a resilient cities toolkit...
Cities,city app,Concepts,EngineeringJune 1, 2015 Cambodia 2015: Floating Structures competition for Tonle Sap Lake Eleven has launched its inaugural ideas and design international competition based on Cambodia’s Tonle Sap Lake: a chance for architects, designers and students to… ...
Both place-based approach to city planning and creating disaster resilient cities have gathered momentum, however, they continue to occur in isolation. Maximizing these multiple social, environmental and economic outcomes, emphasize the need to align both resilience principles for sustainable urbanization ...