The meaning of RESILIENCE is the capability of a strained body to recover its size and shape after deformation caused especially by compressive stress. How to use resilience in a sentence. Using Resilience Outside of Physics
First recorded in 1620–30;resili(ent)+-ence Discover More Example Sentences “It’s so uplifting and inspiring, the resilience of nature.” FromLos Angeles Times She is a board member of LA Más, a Cypress Park-based nonprofit that seeks to build “collective power and ownership for neighb...
resilience meaning, definition, what is resilience: the ability to become strong, happy, or ...: Learn more.
1620s, "act of rebounding or springing back," often of immaterial things, from Latinresiliens, present participle ofresilire"to rebound, recoil," fromre-"back" (seere-) +salire"to jump, leap" (seesalient(adj.)). Compareresult(v.). In physical sciences, the meaning "elasticity, power ...
The meaning "pointing outward" (preserved in military usage) is from 1680s; that of "prominent, striking" first recorded 1840, fromsalient point(1670s), which refers to the heart of an embryo, which seems to leap, and translates Latinpunctum saliens, going back to Aristotle's writings. He...
8. 9. 10. 11. ...
In “The Concept of Resilience”1, Alastair McAslan summarizes its origin: The term resilience was introduced into the English language in the early 17th Century from the Latin verb “resilire”, meaning to rebound or recoil (Concise Oxford Dictionary, Tenth Edition). There is no evidence of ...
Chances are, that one negative moment played on repeat in your mind made you feel like a “bad parent.” Meanwhile, all thegoodthings you did that day like giving big hugs, making your child laugh, making a four-course meal (or on-course boxed meal, no one is judging!), reading a ...
pretrained on a corpus of 3.3 billion words to understand how English words relate to each other. It learns a target word’s meaning on the basis of the full sentence in which it occurs, whereas a popular alternative, Generative Pretrained Transformers, learns meaning from words that occur only...
Economic impacts of a water shortage in Sonoma and Marin Counties: Update, Marin Economic Forum. Ford, J. M. (2015). Climate change as metaphor & catalyst: The deeper meaning & potential of an environmental crisis (...