n. in a will, the assets of the estate of a person who has died with a will (died testate) which are left after all specific gifts have been made. Typical language: "I leave the rest, residue and remainder [or just residue] of my estate to my grandchildren." If the residue is no...
Legal Definition residue noun res·i·due ˈre-zə-ˌdü, -ˌdyü : something that remains after a part is taken, separated, or designated specifically : the part of a testator's estate remaining after the satisfaction of all debts, charges, taxes, and legacies other ...
an atom or group of atoms considered as a group or part of a molecule. that part remaining as a solid on a filter paper after a liquid passes through in the filtration procedure. Law.the part of a testator's estate that remains after the payment of all debts, charges, special devises...
1. something that remains after a part is removed, disposed of, or used; remainder; rest; remnant. 2. a. residuum (def. 2). b. an atom or group of atoms considered as a group or part of a molecule. 3. the part of a testator's estate that remains after the payment of all...
residuenfigurative(aftereffects, vestiges of[sth])SCSimplified Chinese残余cán yú SCSimplified Chinese剩余物cán yú,shèng yú wù TCTraditional Chinese剩餘物 The residue of the disaster can be seen even to this day. 有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 ...
So even though it’s far from my preferred viewing scenario, all this talk about the alleged size-change of the next-generation iPhone got me to thinking about how that extra real-estate would affect movie-watching on such a device. The rumormongers all seem to have hit consensus that the...
1. something that remains after a part is removed, disposed of, or used; remainder; rest; remnant. 2. a. residuum (def. 2). b. an atom or group of atoms considered as a group or part of a molecule. 3. the part of a testator's estate that remains after the payment of all...