The absence of the peaks corresponding to CTAB and DOC in the NMR spectrum of purified polysaccharide confirms either they are absent or present at less than 0.1%. The present study provides supporting data from the regulatory viewpoint, which can help in circumventing the time-consuming studies...
Proteins Studied by NMR ChristinaRedfield, inEncyclopedia of Spectroscopy and Spectrometry (Second Edition), 2010 Residual Dipolar Couplings Dipolar couplingsbetween two magnetically active nuclei (1H,13C, or15N) are generally averaged to zero for proteins tumbling isotropically in solution. If theprotein...
Japan) operating at a nominal frequency of 600 and 150 MHz, respectively. Samples were dissolved in deuterated dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO-d6) unless otherwise stated. All spectra were processed using Delta NMR v5.0.5.1 software. Infrared spectra were recorded as neat samples...
Assaying the enzymatic hydrolysis liquid for FAs and pCAs resulted in non-detectable peaks using the HPLC procedure, suggesting that most of the p-hydroxycinnamates present in the pretreated material accumulated in the residual solids. Residual solids of the enzymatic hydrolysis procedure represented 16...
Fig. 2: 1D1H NMR spectra of microgram amount of strychnine in gels. a1D1H NMR spectrum of 300 μg strychnine in protonated PMMA gel. The spectrum was acquired with 256 scans. Note that only few peaks from the analyte are visible (indicated by the blue arrows) and many signals are ...
PLCL samples and the internal standard were dissolved in a solvent, and the polymer was precipitated in another precipitant. The residual LA, CL, and the internal standard were extracted into the precipitant. The resulting solution could be analyzed by GC, finally obtaining the residual LA and ...
The quantity of residual solvent was carefully investigated using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis methods. While residual solvent peaks were found to exist 1.69min after the beginning of the measurement process in the conventional spin-coating ...
Chen Z,Zhu X Q,Cai S H,et al.Suppression of undesired peaks due to residual intermolecular dipolar interactions in liquid NMR.Chem ical Physics Letters. 2006Chen Z,Zhu X Q,Cai S H. Suppression of undesired peaks due to residual intermolecular dipolar interactions in liquid NMR[J].Chemical ...
However, to our surprise, ZnO appeared to react with residual nitrate (from the reagent HNO3) in the solid-phase and generated new peaks in the soil residue after HNO3 treatment. To circumvent this problem, we repeated XRD data collection using Al2O3 as a new internal standard and performed...
the ethanol extract exhibited significantly higher (at least twofold) values. The determination of carotenoids by LC-MS and HPLC-DAD revealed the dominance of violaxanthin and antheraxanthin and their fourfold higher concentrations in the ethanol extract. The1H-NMR characterization of the ethanol extract...