Residual energy intake, defined as actual minus predicted energy intake during a production period, was estimated for each of 650 bull calves of 31 Holstein Friesian or Brown Swiss sires. Residual energy intake, measured under ad libitum feeding, had heritabilities similar to those of growth rate ...
For reference, sum of squares in regression uses the equation: Y= the actual value of the dependent variable Ŷ= the predicted value of the dependent variable Σ= the sum of all values And in ANOVA it is calculated with the formula: The total SS = treatment sum of squares (SST) + SS...
The actual volume of air in the avian lung directly involved in gas exchange at any moment is in the air capillaries. This averages about 30% of the lung volume in small birds (Dubach, 1981) compared to 40% in a human [considering thefunctional residual capacity(FRC) minus dead space]...
Root mean squared (Error|Deviation) in case of regression. The RMSD represents the sample standard deviation of the differences between predicted values and observed values. The RMSE serves to aggregate... Number - Random (Stochastic|Independent) or (Balanced) Think of randomness as a lack of pa...
Then, the predicted feed intake of each animal is estimated using the equation. This prediction may be thought of as the “average” or expected value for animals of similar weights and rates of gain. The actual feed intake minus the predicted feed intake corresponds to the residual feed...
Residual feed intake (RFI) was calculated as the difference between actual DMI and predicted DMI, which was estimated by multiple linear regression using ADG and mid-test metabolic body weight (MBW, as mid-test LBW0.75) as predictor variables (Koch et al., 1963). Residual weight gain (RWG)...
Using this approach, the displacement field around the drilling hole is predicted with good accuracy. The stochastic modeling of the displacement field for the IHD test is presented in Section 4.2. 3. Materials and Methods As explained in Section 2, two tests are considered in this study. ...
The residual value can be obtained using the actual value (the output value of the training data set) minus the predicted value. Next, a reasonable threshold value 𝜂η is determined from these residual values. The threshold value 𝜂η is similar to the LCL of the control charts and ...
The residual value can be obtained using the actual value (the output value of the training data set) minus the predicted value. Next, a reasonable threshold value 𝜂η is determined from these residual values. The threshold value 𝜂η is similar to the LCL of the control charts and ...
Microstructural residual stresses in BSCF-steel joints and temperature-dependent critical stress of bulk BSCF were predicted through the hierarchical multiscale finite element model. Mechanical and physical material properties of precipitating triple point phases (TPP) associated with BSCF damage, which were...