Join ArchDaily's global architecture community! Create your account to save inspiring projects and photos Create Bygdøynesveien 15 Residential Complex / Reiulf Ramstad Arkitekter Share Bygdøynesveien 15 Residential Complex / Reiulf Ramstad Ar... Selected Projects Save ...
Courtyard, Leisure Facilities, supermarket, Farmhouse, Workshop, Kitchen, School, Bathroom, Bedroom, Dining, Warehouse, Home Office, Living Room, Wine Cellar, Office Building, Gym, Mall, Apartment, Sports Venues, Basement, Hospital, Villa, Hotel, Home Bar, Hall Usage Decoration Thickness 5mm-8mm...
Villa, Hotel, Apartment, Office Building, Hospital, School, Mall, Sports Venues, Leisure Facilities, supermarket, Workshop, Courtyard, Other, Kitchen, Home Office, Living Room, Bedroom, Dining, Babies and kids, Storage & Closet, Exterior, Wine Cellar, Entry, Hall, Home Bar, Staircase, Basement...