Liahona Academy, among the top residential treatment centers for troubled boys, has been helping troubled teens and their families since 2002. Call for admissions.
The purpose of a residential treatment center is to provide a troubled teenager with a structured daily routine. This is so teens can focus on their goals which is to heal and overcome their addictions or behavioral problems. If you’re a parent who doesn’t fully know what the structure of...
Ascend Healthcare offers residential treatment for teens with personalized treatment plans and customized care. Learn more about our facilities & plans here.
At Minnesota Girls Academy, our goal and only focus is to help groups of troubled adolescent girls overcome trauma and any other struggles they face in a safe setting. One of the leading residential treatment centers Minnesota has to offer, our home is o
The United States Government Accountability Office (GAO) conducted a comprehensive study on allegations of abuse and death in residential treatment programs for troubled youth. Residential treatment programs provide a range of services for children, usually teens, including drug and alcohol treatment and ...
Parents ask…What is the success rate of Eagle Ranch Academy? Here is a comprehensive report. on our success to Troubled Teens. Highest Rated Residential Treatment Center For Teens “ERA didn’t change who I am, ERA changed how I think” ...
Your teenager is depressed. Or they have been diagnosed with a mood disorder. Perhaps they have been struggling with ADD, ADHD or ODD. Which has been a strain now only on them, but on your entire family as you struggle to cope with the symptoms and their
(@parishilton)Now 43, Hilton has championed child protection legislation on Capitol Hill for years, encouraging lawmakers to pass regulations to help protect troubled teens from abuse at treatment centers. Hilton met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill this week, urging them to take up the legislation...
Government Accountability (GAO) Office into residential treatment programs for troubled adolescents. The GAO's Gregory Kutz testified before the House of Representatives that in many investigations it was ...
Now 43, Hilton has championed child protection legislation on Capitol Hill for years, encouraging lawmakers to pass regulations to help protect troubled teens from abuse at treatment centers. Hilton met with lawmakers on Capitol Hill this week, urging them to take up the legislation before the 118...