Accountability in Public Short-Term Adult AOD Residential Treatment : Fontainebleau Treatment Center Mandeville, Louisianadoi:10.1016/S0740-5472(97)00221-3treatment outcomecost efficiencysubstance abusersmanaged careresidential treatmentFontainebleau Treatment Center provides short-term public residential AOD ...
Policies have attempted to increase the use of medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD) during an admission to a residential treatment program, but little is known about the association of residential admission with subsequent MOUD use.#In a cohort study of Louisiana Medicaid beneficiaries age 18-...
Alan Sayre
AlexanderCollege of Education and Human Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA;Marvin CainCollege of Education and Human Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA;Taylor & Francis GroupResidential Treatment for Children & Youth...
The national median is typically based on Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) data, with only five exclusions: data centers, hospitals, multifamily, senior living communities, and wastewater treatment plants—where the national median is calculated based on survey data [47]. The ...